Sunday, March 2, 2014

I did it.

Apparently it's stomach bug season, and we've been hit.  Ellie's been throwing up the past few days.  She doesn't comprehend what's going on.  She just knows it sucks.  A true Southern Belle though, she handles it with grace.  Seriously. 

This is what she chose to do in between 'episodes' this weekend. 
She even picked the shade that best brought out the color of her eyes.
I'm such a proud Southern mom.  Ha.
I won't mention the fact that she snuck this adventure in while I was taking a shower and dad was away at work. 
Slight detour...
Back to the story... 
We've been trying to teach Ellie to throw up in a bucket.  Explaining upchucking to a 2 year old isn't easy.  Explaining why they should run for a bucket/toilet as soon as they feel that 'sick sensation' is even less easy.  But, this smart kid has it mastered.  To a T.  It's so pitiful.  Yet so precious at the same time.  Yes.  I just said puking a bucket was precious.  If you know Ellie, you'll understand.  Everything she does is precious.  Really.  I know I'm biased, but really.
We've developed a strategy:
She coughs. 
I come running with the bucket. 
She holds it until I get there. 
So far that works.  I know it's not fail safe. 
She leans over the bucket.
"I did it."
Cough. Cough.
Sniffle. Sniffle.
"I did it, Mommy."
The first time she said 'I did it', I had no idea what she said.  Then she threw up again and said it again.  I got it that time.  I was so proud.  She was so proud.  It cracked me up and brought a little light on the dark day.  It was funny.
Welcome to parenthood. 
Where puking is precious,
puking in a bucket is something you're proud of,
and 'I did it' is a sentence that can bring a laugh and brighten a day.
Now... to get her well... so she can feel better, we can feel better, 
and we can all laugh without there being any pain behind the funny...

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